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Decorative Finishes for Walls & Ceilings

Looking for a unique and luxurious decorative finish for the walls and ceilings in your home or business? Learn more about the Venetian plastering services by Davinci Decorative Concrete. This ancient technique will bring jaw-dropping patterns and designs into your home, transporting you back thousands of years to ancient Europe. It is truly an interior design finish like no other.

concrete walls

What Is Venetian Plaster?

Venetia plaster is a finish used on walls and ceilings that dates back thousands of years. Using crushed marble and lime putty, we can tint the product to your specified color preference, and the options are limitless. Whether your goal is a polished marble look or you want the effect of natural stone, our artisans will create a magical world within the walls of your home or business. The art form has been used for thousands and thousands of years and will make you and any visitors feel like you’re traveling back in time wherever it’s applied.

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Why Choose Venetian Plaster?

If you crave a unique look that you’re certain won’t be found anywhere else, Venetian plaster is a sure bet. While color tastes may be similar to another, patterns will always be one-of-a-kind as the product is applied by hand and will rarely ever have the same outcome. The design style is commonly found throughout Italy but has become much more prevalent across North America. It lends well to earthy tones, such as white, beige, brown, and gray but can be used with any color. Venetian plaster is an excellent choice for those who want to blur the boundaries between inside and out to create a rustic, Tuscan feel.

Explore the Possibilities of Our Wall & Ceiling Coatings

Not only is Venetian plaster a luxurious finish, but it’s incredibly durable and very easy to maintain, requiring nothing more than a wipe-down with a damp cloth and mild soap. A high-quality job completed by Davinci Decorative Concrete will likely outlast any paint job, making it a preferable choice for those looking for a stunning, low-maintenance finish. Contact us today to learn more about this fantastic decorative coating.

Contact Davinci Decorative Concrete Today!